The Angel's Dictionary

A Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You

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Were you aware that a fetish (n.) is anything, such as the stock market, falsely believed by primitive peoples to possess divine, magical or supernatural qualities?

Did you know that disclosure (n.) is when they finally tell us everything and nothing changes?

THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY, Winner of the 2017 National Indie Excellence Award for Humor and Finalist in the Humor category of both the 2018 International Book Awards and the 2018 Best Book Awards, defines these terms this way—so they must be true!

Here’s another deliciously veracious definition from this Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You boasting over 500 laugh-out-loud entries spanning 160 pages …

waffle: (n.) breakfast of politicians.

And several more ...

antidepressant: (n.) any of various energetic techniques for warding off parasitic friends, colleagues, and family members.

bathroom: (n.) where Americans go to argue about gender while the country goes down the toilet.

census: (n.) being counted so we can be discounted.

Dowist: (n.) blind believer in the stock market.

fanny-pack: (v.) to put on a few extra pounds during the holiday season.

global warming: (n.) result of excessive hot-air emissions by climate scientists.

hospital: (n.) where the healthy go to get misdiagnosed and the sick go to get mistreated.

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“Irreverent in its honesty and take-no-prisoners approach, THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY: A SPIRITED GLOSSARY FOR THE LITTLE DEVIL IN YOU is an honest appraisal of words in terms of today’s sensibilities. Sol Luckman has picked up where writers like Mark Twain and Ambrose Bierce left off over a century ago, identifying new associations for words and phrases to match what they really represent today […] They say many a true word is spoken in jest, and perhaps Luckman’s humor is a well-timed wake-up call to be heeded while we still have time to ask important questions.” Readers’ Favorite

“Much of society has lost its sense of humor for fear of melting the heart of the next snowflake down the road. I say, turn up the heat. It is much needed ... THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY does this with wit and charm worthy of notice.” Andrew L. Foss

“THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY is a sardonic antidote to the trite and asinine slogans and catchphrases–the basic language–of Big Brother’s thought-control system. On one level, it’s light and witty comic relief, and beyond the playful satire, it is scathingly accurate! If you’re in need of some conscious, fun, and thought-provoking wordplay then you might start with THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY. Warning: reader may experience symptoms of higher consciousness, greater clarity, and general merriment.” Brendan D. Murphy

“I’ve never had so many belly laughs in my entire life. [This book] is absolutely witty, 'spot on' and I LOVE IT ... THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY (Devilish as it may be) adds a quality of 'lightness' in bringing about such laughter. I do sincerely feel we may each gain by experiencing more and more laughs in meeting the existing chaos.” Doris Moreau

From the Back Cover

In this knee-slapping dictionary for coming to terms with modern culture (or lack thereof), politics (so-called) and life (such as it is), award-winning author Sol Luckman (SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING) reinvigorates satire to prove that—though we might not be able to change the world—we can at least have a good laugh at it.

Then again, maybe laughter can transform the world!

genetically modified organism (GMO):
(n.) member of the public who has regularly consumed the biotech industry’s food products.

Taking a page from Ambrose Bierce’s scathing satirical masterpiece, THE DEVIL’S DICTIONARY, THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY updates the genre to include blistering contemporary references and no small sampling of risqué humor to make adults giggle like mischievous teens.

entanglement: (n.) quantum physics term for when the sheets wrap around two bodies in space.

treason: (n.) crime against one’s country and its people punishable by reelection.

shadow side: (n.) self you encounter when you do not look in the mirror.

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